Enzo is ONE

I still can’t believe that a year ago, Enzo joined the world, and I have A LOT of feelings about it. Like every parent has said before, “it happens in the blink of an eye”. He sure picked a crazy year to show up but he is without a doubt the best thing that could have ever happened. I am both grateful and a little mournful for the things 2020 gave and took from us. It took a little security away, but it also gave us so much more time together. It took some public outings away but gave us more reason to spend time outdoors. It took some careful planning to see family but made us truly appreciate any time spent together. One of the things I am most grateful for is that it gave Cris time off he wouldn’t normally have to watch Enzo grow right alongside me, instead of seeing those early milestones through text message videos. Whenever I’m feeling anxious or stressed about the world’s current state of affairs, I remember that 2020 gave me the best gift of all- YOU, Enzo. That makes the rest all just background noise. 

During quarantine I was SO good at taking home videos and photos, so my goal for this next year is to really make that a priority. There really is nothing like the feeling of watching a kitchen dance party 10 years later and feeling all of those feelings again!

A few of my favorite memories:

  • The doctor first noticed your chubby cheeks in your sonogram!

  • We checked back into the hospital for three days after you were born for jaundice treatment. You were so strong! I’ve never been so scared and so in love at the same time.

  • I would put you in your bouncer chair on the kitchen counter every morning so you could soak up the sun and then lay you on the couch every afternoon when the sun moved to that window.

  • Around two and a half months old you were so good at imitating sounds!

  • Your tongue is ALWAYS out.

  • You’ve always been obsessed with your sister and brothers, but now that you can play with them you are inseparable.

  • I would lay under you for hours so you could nap on my chest.

  • You used to be so still and cuddly I could work at my computer with you on my lap!

  • You have always loved mirrors and hearing how handsome you are.

  • Moana has been on a constant loop this entire year.

  • No matter how mad you are, going outside is always the cure.

  • Your first Tahoe trip AND your first camping trip was in July.

  • You woke up 4 times a night until you were about 10 months old. (I can’t say this is a favorite memory, but I just want to remind you of this someday when you have a baby, HA!)

  • You give big, sloppy, wet kisses.

  • You play a little rough with other babies, but you are also always trying to give kisses.

  • Around September you started crawling!

  • On December 12th you took your first step, but you are still a little scared to walk.

  • Your favorite song to dance to is the Chicken Wing Song from TikTok!

  • You are obsessed with bellies. Your belly, my belly, anybody’s belly you can find.

  • You say “LOOK” clear as day. You point to things (especially bellies) and say, “look” so serious!

  • You love cars and motorcycles. You will push toy cars or shoes around making a little car noise as you go! You love when we push you in the laundry basket and pretend it’s a race car.

  • You love bows and wrapping paper more than actual Christmas presents.

  • You LOVED smashing your birthday cake and ate so much you threw up. (My bad, I should’ve stopped you. But you were having so much fun!)