How to Feel Confident in Front of the Camera


I get it, being in front of the camera is hard. I love helping my clients feel comfortable in front of the camera, but when the roles are reversed, everything I know goes out the window and I feel like a complete dork.


Over the years, I have gotten better at being on the opposite side of the camera. Here are five tried and true tricks and I always use to lessen the dork factor. But for real, these are game changers, I noticed a huge difference after implementing them.


1. Preparation is Key

 I know, this sounds like a given, but getting ready for a photo shoot is more than just making sure your make-up and outfit are on point. You also need to get your mind right! I always play any music that I can sing and dance along with. Throwbacks from high school, music I found on Tik Tok, whatever I am feeling that day. I also say some of my favorite affirmations. Affirmations are my number 1 way to change my mindset. The confidence I have after I say these is unreal. A great way to start is to compliment yourself. We are so used to looking for what is wrong in the mirror, but what if you complimented yourself on what is right.


2. Don’t Try to Reinvent Yourself

You want these pictures to show the best version of you, and that means showing up as you are! You should wear clothes you love and have worn before. If you are uncomfortable, it will show in pictures. Same goes for makeup and hair – this is not the time to try that new viral make-up trend or come straight from getting your hair done.


3. Find a Photographer You Actually Like

This might seem self-explanatory, but feeling comfortable with the person behind the camera is so important. That is why I offer engagement sessions with my wedding packages – so we can see how we work together before the big day. If you are doing portraits or another type of session, try to follow your photographer on social media to get a sense of their personality. That way, you can know you are booking with someone who you are comfortable with.


4. Movement

Growing up with America’s Next Top Model, we all think that it is our job as the model to find the perfect pose. While that might be Tyra’s motto, I think adding movement into poses actually create authentic photos. If you are standing, try swaying back and forth a bit. Play with your hair, and move your arms. Small movements actually make a HUGE difference, and will distract you from the power pose you think you should be hitting


5. Eat

Make sure you eat and drink enough before a shoot (water or white claw, I don’t care!) But for real, being hangry at a shoot is not the business. While the ultimate goal is the photos, the shoot is all the fun, so you don’t want to be thinking about your growling stomach. But, I am always thinking about Tacos, so if you want to grab those after, you already know I am in


These might seem simple, but they are a game-changer. Try them at your next shoot, I would love to hear how they worked for you!